烛光晚餐、单膝下跪、手捧着花和戒指…… 这些都是求婚的“经典仪式”。但现在的时代,讲究的是创意啊!所以这位来自英国的男子 Edi 就来个特别的求婚方式啦!
Edi 把他的求婚过程PO在面子书,吸引90,000名网友点赞和超过65,000的转发。
▼ Edi 在这1个月内,无数次把戒指拿出来,每张照片都有戒指和戒指的“未来主人”!
▼ 甚至 Edi 加入合照,Cally 却没发现!
▼ 闪亮的戒指在车子里,而“未来主人”就在外面。
▼ 甚至面对面了,Cally 还是没发现!
▼ 把戒指放在 Cally 的背上,Cally 却还是非常专心地滑手机。
▼ 小编都替 Edi 捏了一把冷汗!
▼ 趁女友在熟睡的时候,把戒指放在她的手上。
▼ 一起出游时,Edi 也不放过机会!
▼ 女友非常认真地在看地图。
▼ 距离这么近了,难道余光也没有看到?!
▼ 这个最惊险了!就在眼前而已!
你或许认为:拍照很快而已嘛,不难啦!更厉害的来了!Edi 还拍了视频!
▼ 这则帖文在网上爆红,网友们说:「又可爱又搞笑,太喜欢了!」
▼ 网友表示:每一张“惊险”的照片都令人十分紧张!
▼ 笑翻了许多网友!
▼ 这样的求婚方式太有创意了!
▼ 当然也少不了网友们的祝福啦!
▼ 留言板上最多的留言就是这个了!「最后求婚了吗?!结果如何?!」
▼ 网友们激动地表示:「不能只让我们看这些照片,却不告诉我们结果!」
为了满足大批网友们的好奇心,Edi 后来还更新了消息:求婚成功啦!
▼ 网友们都替这对甜蜜的恋人开心,祝福他们!
▼ 网友留言说:好奇女友看到这些照片的反应。
▼ 由于 Edi 表示还会再分享关于正式求婚的故事,所以网友们都非常期待!
▼ 甚至因为这逗趣的故事,让 Edi “增粉”了呢!
▼ 网友逗趣地说:看来你结婚时还得开面子书直播了!
I can finally put this out there ? … So this was how I proposed to Cally, the other story! ?
Those who have gone through this (and those who will soon find out) you want to propose in a way that speaks to you as a person and couple. Some plan a flash mob, a fancy meal, or even arrange a marry me sign. I couldn’t do this because “Edi doesn’t plan” …. I’m a spontaneous improviser! ?
This made it even more of a challenge because Cally knows this, and the moment I planned a holiday or meal she would have clocked on to what I was about to do.
Because of this I took the ring with me everywhere hoping the “moment” would arise in line with my spontaneous style.
After a month or so of waiting for the right moment, I was sitting on the sofa admiring “my precious” (yes I became very attached to this ring by this point) Cally almost caught me staring at the ring, and it hit me!….All these missed opportunities mixed in with the thought – Cally doesn’t know I have the ring!! I should just start documenting these moments! ?
This escalated quickly into trying to get as many photos of Cally with the ring without her knowing!…. yes she had no idea what I was doing in these photos!!! ?
The idea was to take as many photos, in more daring scenarios, until I found the perfect moment to propose, or until I got caught, at which point I would propose!
Here are some of the photos I captured over the space of about a month before I found the right moment (this is a story in its own right). ?